
Showing posts with the label Endurance


If you are to get to the promise land, you must endure the journey of 40 days in the wilderness. You don't just wake up and arrive at your destination, you just don't have a dream today and achieve it the next day, no it doesn't work like that, there is always a process and path filled with bumps to pass through before arriving at your destination. Do you think having a goal, dream, ideas and vision will give you instant success or the recognition you crave for? Joseph vision took HIM to 3 P's before he finally arrived at the designated P . The first P is inside the pit of life full of tribulation and problem, and later took him to the Potiphar's house as a slave, (that is the second p) where you will have no choice of your own, no voice of yours, then from Potiphar's house to prison of life (third p) where every dream seems void, then Joseph will have been wondering is this indeed the vision I had? Then from prison straight to the PALACE to become a PR


There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but if you can't endeavor to journey through the tunnel, then don't expect to see the light. After the darkness comes the light of a new dawn. Do not give up, you're closer to achieve your dream than you think, remember, tough times don't last, but tough people do, tough times has an expire date, but don't let you dream be expired before the tough time, challenges build you up, one thing I've come to discover is that, the end of a thing marks the beginning of others. If it seems, you come to a dead end or a road block, look up, u-turn is allowed. Sometimes you need to take a step backward so as you come out strong. Just like the arrow, for it to be effective, you have to pull it backward before it is released. So also in life, there a times you will need to take it slow, and take a step back, so as to relaunch yourself to greater height. Never be deceive, there is no journey, that is devoid of storm, every su