
Showing posts with the label get motivated


The only perfect foundation If it doesn’t work to build your life on popular culture, tradition, reason, or emotion, what should you build your life upon?  The one and only true and foundation, that you can build your life on is, the word of God. Popular culture changes, traditions grow stale, reason can be faulty, and emotions lie. Yet God’s Word never changes. The word of God is life, the word is power, the word gives hope, it will nurture your ideas, it will give you the resilience to keep going, it will raise your faith level, the word is stable, the word is God. John 1:1 put your trust in HIM and HE will direct your path, HE will never let go even in turbulent times. Proverb 3:6 (NIV) You may not always understand his Word. You may not always like it. It won’t always be politically correct, it won't always go in line with people reason, it won't always suit your narrative or how you will feel.  But it’s the only thing stable enough to build our lives upon.


Foundation based on emotion Some build their lives on a feeling. If it feels right, they do it. But feelings lie — they lie all the time! You lie to yourself more than anyone else. If you live by your feelings, you’ll spend your life manipulated by your moods .  Feelings is not enough to build your goals on, because feelings do change, feelings changes with mood, if you are happy, you will feel spirited, you can climb to the pinnacle of the highest mountain in the world at that moment. If you are down, your morale will be low, you will feel like quitting, thus if your goals are based on emotions (feelings), that very moment you put an end to such brilliant idea. Remember, there is no smooth ride to success, there are a lot of pot hole and bumps on the way to success, when you are stuck in a pot hole of life, it takes resilience and will power to get out and bounce back on the journey to success. An idea based on emotion can never withstand the tough time Do not based your idea on f...


Foundation based on reasons.   God gave us the ability to reason; we need to use it. But our reason isn’t infallible. Proverbs 16:25 says, "There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."(NLT).  You can't build on a foundation that's based on human reasons, your dreams and goals are not to please human or to satisfy their reasons. Your dreams might not be right to them according to their reason or maybe it is archaic in their eyes, let me tell you this, note that your creativity is not to massage their reasoning ego but to bring you to limelight and success.  There is this story of a man that drop out of college just to pursue is ambition, imagine what his friends will be telling him, imagine what his parent will be saying, imagine what his neighbors will be saying, just because to them dropping out of college to chase a mirage called dream it's not reasonable, and today will have a multi billionaire in person of Mark Zuckerberg and the...


Foundation based on tradition Other people build their lives on what has always been done or how their parents did it. That does make a little sense. Tradition becomes tradition because it works. But no tradition lasts forever. It eventually wears out, becomes obsolete, and is invalid. If you want to be extra ordinary you must be ready to add extra effort, you must be ready to travel to the extra mile. You can't be doing same things as others are doing it and expect different results, If you want to break protocols you must be willing to break tradition, you don not conform yourself to the limitation others had encounter, you do not live your life due to the results that others are getting, if you want to be outstanding you must be willing to stand out even when others are not. Being giving the kings meat and food had become tradition, but Daniel breaks tradition and becomes the wisest man in the land. He breaks protocols by breaking tradition. Daniel 1: 8-17 If you want to go far ...


  On the way to success, God is all you need, to have a swift race, you need a capital G to back up your race (G+race will give you Grace)  Its only the grace of God that will give you the enablement to bumped into the pothole on the road to success and come out strong, because Grace means God race. When God is with you in the race, no matter the situation, He will never let go, no matter the circumstances with God you will always come out strong. He is the only solid foundation all other grounds are sinking sand, because He knew you before you are born Jeremiah 1:5, He has a plan for you Jeremiah 29:11. Always remember this, you are part of creation, I mean when God created the universe, then He created human being to continue with the creation of the universe, reason we have inventions and different innovation, therefore, the world are waiting for your invention, there is a vacuum in the world that only you can perfectly fit in, the world are waiting for your creativity (cre...


  Vision is map guiding you to the land of success. Literally vision is the ability to see, or the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses. Vision gives you identity and  sharpen your creativity. Living without vision, is a life of illusion and mirage Hosea 4:6.  You must begin with a clearly defined Vision, because it gives you direction and serves as a goal post in the field of play, imagine 22 players on the field, kicking and running with the ball up and down without a goal post, how hilarious will the scene be, therefore blessed are those that runs about in a circle all day, for they shall be called a big wheel. A life without vision will be blown here and there by the winds of life because you neither have a compass nor a map to go by, the life will like a leaf on the river, floating aimlessly wherever the current take it. In everything, get a definite vision, because without vision, the people perish, ...


   Greatness, achievement is not given as a gift or comes so easy cheap, rather, every achievement is a product of perspiration. To achieve your vision, your ideas, dreams, you must give it the energy attention it requires. Every success story is rooted in hard work and perspiration, there is no realization without perspiration. Have you ever heard that child birth precede child labour? Therefore to actualize your dream, ideas, vision, you must put in the required effort to make it a reality. I derived a success formula that say success is directly proportional to  WORK and inversely proportional to faith provided that prayer is constant Just like the law of motion, your idea will be at a state of rest until an external effort is exert on it. In all labour there is profit, but the talk of the lips tender only to penury. Proverb 14:23

Realize your vision

  The end product of your dreams, idea and vision is to actualize it. All the preparation and perspiration will be a waste, if you give up now, you have come a long way to turn back now. You may not see the effect of what you are doing now, just keep doing it, remember that, six times the children of Israel went round the wall of Jericho and nothing happened, until they repeat the process for the seventh time. So also,  success is a cumulative effect of preparation, perspiration and supplication, so, don't give up,  its too early to give up now. There is no essence of having a vision, preparing and planning for it, perspire for it, if you don't actualize it. Giving up now its just like turning back at the entrance when you are about to go in thinking that the door is still shut, you are closer to achieving your dream than you think. Realizing your vision is just like a man cutting down a tree with an Axe, he cannot afford to give up after the first unsuccessful blow. The ...


  Its a popular parole that readers are leaders, our life is just like computer term (GIGO) which means Garbage in Garbage out, what shape the person we are is the, movie we watch, the songs we listen to and the books we read. Books Inspire us, motivates us, encourage us and always make us see the right path, it makes us understand that nothing is impossible in this world, It allows us to take action and help us to know our true potential, Books illuminates our life, Books show us our passion and make us understand that all Limits are self-imposed, Limits are usually in our mind, Books have the potential to upgrade our conviction to match our destiny. Few more Importance of books:   1)   .   Books Improve vocabulary, the more you read the book, the faster your vocabulary will expand. 2)  .    Books Improve Emotional Development, it makes us more empathetic, helps us to keep emotional balance, doesn’t allow emotions to influence our growth. ...


Illusion proverb 13 vs 7 Illusion is a great disease that kills the success of a Person because It make you to think that you have arrived whereas you still have a long way to go.  Literary illusion means a false idea or belief especially about something or a situation. Illusion will lock you up in the room of nowhere it will blur your vision and a times it will steal your vision and will allow you to journey in a circle like a merry-go-round, just like Ralph Mahoney Illustrated that “blessed is he that runneth about in a circle all day, for he shall be called a big wheel. You will be blown by every wind because you will have no compass no map to go by. Many youth stop dreaming because of yesterday success, without knowing that when you stop dreaming you start dying. Life is a continue process, where success breed more success. You can’t just stop aiming high because you think that you have arrived, I want you to know that you just began, the race had just started. This is not the ...


THERE IS NO TOMORROW No ones knows tomorrow is a popular parole, but I want ti ask this question does tomorrow exist? Where and when is tomorrow?   I want you to understand the fact that tomorrow never exist but future is the result of the step we take today and we are today because if what we’ve done yesterday.  Come to think of this, when you ask a boy of 5 years old that, what do you want to become, he will say I want to be great in future (tomorrow) ask a boy of 10 years the same question,  his response is that my future will be good, a guy of 20 years will say I believe that my future is bright, a man if 30 years will also say tomorrow it will be better; do you now see that tomorrow is never real.  Until you believe and start today, there will not be tomorrow,  until you venture to move to your destination today, you will never arrive tomorrow; don’t be afraid of how to start just start the way you are; because you don’t have to be elephant before you ...


INFERIORITY COMPLEX Everybody has an important role to play and each have a vacuum  to fill, that is why you are as unique as anyone else. Literary Inferiority complex is a feeling that you are not as good, as important or as intelligent as other people. Anybody with inferiority complex will never dream beyond the level of mediocre, whereas mediocrity itself is a disease that rob people of their dream because it will make you not to have the right mentality or the right thinking, let me remind of this popular parole that, as man thinketh so in his so he is. Inferiority complex will deduce you to think that others are far better than you, it will make you believe that the the good ones are on the field of play, but remember that sometimes in football game, it is the substitute that score the decisive goal and either earn the team 3points or it take the team to the next phase in the tournament , so also in the field of play, the world are waiting for you to come in, never weigh your...


The one who serve diligently is the master of all.  To serve is not that you’re the least nor the servant, it shows that you have the ability to lead. True service generates power because it is an act of leadership because it means that the server has the wisdom and strength from which others may benefits. It also signals that the server is benevolent and caring. When an individual is both warm and powerful, we trust them enough to put our faith in them, and look to them to show the way. They pave way for other to follow, their character influences others, they stand like a mentor because they are emotionally stable and physically fit.   If you can’t serve you can’t lead because leading deals with the knowledge of serving, that’s why Jesus told his disciples that “the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who who rules like the one who serve.  Serving others bring out the best in you and enable you to be mentally alert, physically fit and socially ac...


MARCHING OUT OF THE LINE Many of the times we create an imaginary boundary and limitations for ourselves which hinder us to see the land of manifestation.   A man was passing through a farm he saw an elephant tied to a tree by a small rope and was amazed, out of curiosity, that how can a small and thinning rope tied down a big elephant, so he went ahead to asks the farmer that, how come that the small rope was able to tied down this big elephant. The farmer replied, when the elephant was small I used the small rope to tied it down, then it was impossible to break loose because the rope can tied it down then, therefore the elephant still believe that the small rope can still tied it down now.    Many are like the elephant, they stayed in their limited territory without bothering to step out of the line, many are conform by their negative believe, such as the good has been chosen, why do you concluded that the good has been chosen? Are you the bad that left unchosen? Many h...


PROCRASTINATION In life the only thing that is constant is change as I’ve discuss in vol1. I will be writing on procrastination in this volume. In layman term, according to Oxford dictionary procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something while according to Wikipedia, procrastination is the avoidance of of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practise of doing more pleasurable ones. Procrastination is a disease that leads to wasting of time. Always remember that when you lose an opportunity it can be regain back, if you squander money extravagantly, you can regain it back but TIME wasted can never be regain. There is this paradigm that I love most, it says I live my life everyday as if is going to be my last day, any good things I can do let me do it now for I know I will pass through this place not twice but once. Never procrastinate because it kills and destroy man ambition, if you have a goal give time go. Never wait till tomorrow to fulfill your d...


FEAR Fear is the dark room where people develops there negative potential Many people live in constant fear, they are scared of who they are, of what they want to become, they are scared of failure and whosoever that is scared of failure will never attain success. Fear is the constant feeling of depressed emotions, when you allow fear to eat much into you, you will just be stagnant in a place, because you will be afraid of moving forward and even scared of taken a step backward. Human set a limitations or and imaginary boundaries for themselves because of fear of exploiting. If you don’t launch your goal because of fear nobody will do it for you, remember that nobody congratulate a pregnant woman, but people will always celebrate her when she put to bed,regardless of the pain she pass through. If you don’t conquer the fear, it will dominate you and turn you to a slave of your talent. Remember Apostle Paul letter to Timothy, it say ‘for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of powe...


Change is the only thing that is constant in life. one of the characteristics of a living organism is adaptation, that is the ability to change and adapt to his/her new environment or situation. The current regime has a slogan which is CHANGE BEGINS WITH ME , actually Change begin with an individual, nobody can change you, you are the architect of your life, so therefore you are the only person that can change yourself, but the real change begin within you. Your mind it’s a battle field, there is a war going inside you every blessed day, the way you manage and tame your mind will determine who you will be. If you want to change the world, try to change yourself, and if you want to change yourself, change your mind. This story illustrate it better ‘ A long time ago there was a king who embarked on a long journey, those days there was neither sandal nor motors for transportation, when the King came back from his journey, his leg was covered with sores, He lamented “the world is full of ...