PROCRASTINATION In life the only thing that is constant is change as I’ve discuss in vol1. I will be writing on procrastination in this volume. In layman term, according to Oxford dictionary procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something while according to Wikipedia, procrastination is the avoidance of of doing a task that needs to be accomplished. It is the practise of doing more pleasurable ones. Procrastination is a disease that leads to wasting of time. Always remember that when you lose an opportunity it can be regain back, if you squander money extravagantly, you can regain it back but TIME wasted can never be regain. There is this paradigm that I love most, it says I live my life everyday as if is going to be my last day, any good things I can do let me do it now for I know I will pass through this place not twice but once. Never procrastinate because it kills and destroy man ambition, if you have a goal give time go. Never wait till tomorrow to fulfill your d...