
Showing posts with the label Only True foundation


The only perfect foundation If it doesn’t work to build your life on popular culture, tradition, reason, or emotion, what should you build your life upon?  The one and only true and foundation, that you can build your life on is, the word of God. Popular culture changes, traditions grow stale, reason can be faulty, and emotions lie. Yet God’s Word never changes. The word of God is life, the word is power, the word gives hope, it will nurture your ideas, it will give you the resilience to keep going, it will raise your faith level, the word is stable, the word is God. John 1:1 put your trust in HIM and HE will direct your path, HE will never let go even in turbulent times. Proverb 3:6 (NIV) You may not always understand his Word. You may not always like it. It won’t always be politically correct, it won't always go in line with people reason, it won't always suit your narrative or how you will feel.  But it’s the only thing stable enough to build our lives upon.