Many of the times we create an imaginary boundary and limitations for ourselves which hinder us to see the land of manifestation.
  A man was passing through a farm he saw an elephant tied to a tree by a small rope and was amazed, out of curiosity, that how can a small and thinning rope tied down a big elephant, so he went ahead to asks the farmer that, how come that the small rope was able to tied down this big elephant. The farmer replied, when the elephant was small I used the small rope to tied it down, then it was impossible to break loose because the rope can tied it down then, therefore the elephant still believe that the small rope can still tied it down now. 
  Many are like the elephant, they stayed in their limited territory without bothering to step out of the line, many are conform by their negative believe, such as the good has been chosen, why do you concluded that the good has been chosen? Are you the bad that left unchosen? Many have even convinced themselves that we have tried everything possible, some will say I have tried my best,  how do you know that is your best? Just because you tried and failed once doesn’t make you a failure but you will be a failure if you fail to try again.
  Life will be boring if there are no inventors, come to think of it, the inventors just go on to invent without bothering themselves that will the world accept what they have invented, so also the writer, they just write without putting the fear that will people read it or not. Stepping out of the line, moving out of yourself imposed limitations and move on to the land of manifestation. You’ve linger and waited enough, look up the light is GREEN, this the time you gear up and start moving.
   Be like the four lepers, who said to each other ‘why stay here until we die’ if we say we should go into the city, the famine is there and we will die, so let’s go over to the camp of the Arameans and surrender, if they spare us we live, if they kill us, then we die.
  Until you stretch yourself beyond every odds and limitations before you will get to the land of manifestation. Do not conform yourself to where you are, do not let the world conform you, do not let the word of your mouth conform you, you are created to have dominion and to rule, so therefore exercise your creation right.
  Finally, the coincidence of life is that both success and failure are both intimate friends, the step you take to succeed is indirectly the steep you take to fail, because, is either you succeed or you failed, so therefore plan and take the BOLD STEP TO MOVE AND MARCH OUT OF YOUR LIMITATION ZONE


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