Everybody has an important role to play and each have a vacuum to fill, that is why you are as unique as anyone else.

Literary Inferiority complex is a feeling that you are not as good, as important or as intelligent as other people.

Anybody with inferiority complex will never dream beyond the level of mediocre, whereas mediocrity itself is a disease that rob people of their dream because it will make you not to have the right mentality or the right thinking, let me remind of this popular parole that, as man thinketh so in his so he is. Inferiority complex will deduce you to think that others are far better than you, it will make you believe that the the good ones are on the field of play, but remember that sometimes in football game, it is the substitute that score the decisive goal and either earn the team 3points or it take the team to the next phase in the tournament, so also in the field of play, the world are waiting for you to come in, never weigh yourself down by saying, the good ones had been chosen, because if all the good ones had been chosen, who are you? Is it the bad one? Definitely No, because you are quite different from others, do not pull down your self esteem, but always develop your self esteem, you are as good as others, so therefore always showcase what you got, always remember that no product is known without advertisement, so therefore if you got it flaunt it. Stop self effacing because the world is waiting for you 

Never feel inferior to others, because you get what they don’t have, you get what the world needs in you, just develop your self esteem and get rid of mediocrity, thinking that others are better than you, others have better background, better opportunity, and are far more better than you will do you no good but limit your potential and ability to succeed. Remember that nobody can ever be like you, you are who you are, and always know that there is a seed planted in you,  which is not in others but you alone, this seed needs to be watered, cultivated and allow to germinate in order to bring out fruit and whoever eats out of the fruit will never forget the tree that bear the fruit. 

Never compare yourself to another, because you are an entirely different being and nobody will be exactly like you, come to think of it, the way you laugh, the way walk, the way you play, the way you interact with others, the way you handle problems and everything you do is found in a man and that is you. Since the creation of the world, surf through the entire history of homo sapiens and you will find no one who exhibit same characteristics as you do, so therefore in human race, you are you. Nobody can be exactly like you, and that is your uniqueness. 

Nobody can develop your self esteem except you, never be weary by looking at others, but develop a good self esteem by looking within and running with the vision of your goals. 


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