Illusion proverb 13 vs 7

Illusion is a great disease that kills the success of a Person because It make you to think that you have arrived whereas you still have a long way to go.

 Literary illusion means a false idea or belief especially about something or a situation. Illusion will lock you up in the room of nowhere it will blur your vision and a times it will steal your vision and will allow you to journey in a circle like a merry-go-round, just like Ralph Mahoney Illustrated that “blessed is he that runneth about in a circle all day, for he shall be called a big wheel. You will be blown by every wind because you will have no compass no map to go by.

Many youth stop dreaming because of yesterday success, without knowing that when you stop dreaming you start dying. Life is a continue process, where success breed more success. You can’t just stop aiming high because you think that you have arrived, I want you to know that you just began, the race had just started. This is not the time to feel relax of a little success.

This is not the time for show off, proverb 12 vs 9 says ‘better to be a nobody and yet have a servant than pretend to be somebody and have no food.’ You’re nobody if you don’t build on your little success, if you feel that yes, am in my season, I have arrived, the world are under my feet, wait, pause, and check the time, check your achievement and redefine or fine tune your goal, or else you will just be a one time wonder.

In life nobody is at inertia, because sometimes you will have to bend, while at others time you will have to move straight. Don’t just sit down and start smiling about yesterday success in today, try to make today count and celebrate another success tomorrow.

Have you ever notice that when you are travelling,looking ahead of you, it will seems that there is water on the highway, on getting to that point, you will discover that there is no water there, in science it’s called mirage, it’s the potent weapon of illusion, it will blur your vision and knocked you out of your mission because vision is the motor to board to one’s destination. You must be a visionier, because that is what will propel you, it will boast your will-power so as to keep you moving on the rough surface and when the going gets tough, you get going because of the vision driven you. Without a vision there will be no destination because it will be your guide and give you direction and a map to the land of manifestation. To crown it all, vision is the revelation of destination.

Finally, yesterday success is not enough excuse for today failure, make everyday count, make every month a success and you will be a superstar.


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