Success is not given, it is earn through rigorous planning and continuous perspiration. For you to deliver the vision, dream or idea you've conceived, it must passes through the labor room, while in the labor room you must not give up on it you must keep pushing, even if no one is encouraging you, because the labor room is the final stage for your idea to come to life.
One thing you must know that, life is not bed of roses, it is full of ups and down, the pain you go through today, prepares your for the gain of tomorrow.
Before childbirth comes the labor room, that is where the child is been delivered, so also in life, if you are going through challenges, know that you are in the labor room, and can afford to give up now because the world are waiting for you to come out of the theater with the child of you dream, not with excuses and complaint why you can't give birth to the man of your dream. Like I wrote yesterday, keep the story of how you are about to make it to yourself, or how hard it is to keep pushing on, the world doesn't need, what they want is to celebrate your glory, not you to bore them with your story.
Always remember, that challenge is just a popular bus top, you are just stopping over for a while, before you board a vehicle to your destination. Now look out, you've linger enough, its time to board that vehicle and keep the dream alive.
Never give up in the labor room, because your are nearly to your dream than you think.


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