Realize your vision

 Four Suggestions to Help You Lead by Relationships and Realize Your Vision  | Edutopia

The end product of your dreams, idea and vision is to actualize it. All the preparation and perspiration will be a waste, if you give up now, you have come a long way to turn back now.

You may not see the effect of what you are doing now, just keep doing it, remember that, six times the children of Israel went round the wall of Jericho and nothing happened, until they repeat the process for the seventh time. So also,  success is a cumulative effect of preparation, perspiration and supplication, so, don't give up,  its too early to give up now.

There is no essence of having a vision, preparing and planning for it, perspire for it, if you don't actualize it.

Giving up now its just like turning back at the entrance when you are about to go in thinking that the door is still shut, you are closer to achieving your dream than you think.

Realizing your vision is just like a man cutting down a tree with an Axe, he cannot afford to give up after the first unsuccessful blow. The more blows on the tree, the more it get weaken, at the 100th blow, the tree comes crashing down, note that, it wasn't the 100th blow that cut down the tree,  but the effects of the previous blows.

Never give up on your dreams, ideas, just because you ain't getting result now, success comes from continuous perspiration, keep on to the vision and actualize the dream.

Without realization, vision are just fantasy


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