The one who serve diligently is the master of all.

 To serve is not that you’re the least nor the servant, it shows that you have the ability to lead. True service generates power because it is an act of leadership because it means that the server has the wisdom and strength from which others may benefits. It also signals that the server is benevolent and caring. When an individual is both warm and powerful, we trust them enough to put our faith in them, and look to them to show the way. They pave way for other to follow, their character influences others, they stand like a mentor because they are emotionally stable and physically fit.

  If you can’t serve you can’t lead because leading deals with the knowledge of serving, that’s why Jesus told his disciples that “the greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who who rules like the one who serve.  Serving others bring out the best in you and enable you to be mentally alert, physically fit and socially acceptable, it makes you shoulder responsibility, so therefore it mean people look up to you for direction. Mind you, there is different from serving and trying to please others. Serving is quite different from trying to please others, because if you do so, you will displease yourself to please others

, but in serving you will do it willingly and out of the love you have for it. Pleasing is something you do to get your own needs me: for approval, validation or control, but serving is when you get outside of yourself and address the needs of someone else. Serves are mentors and mentors are leader , according to John Quincy Adams and I qoute “if your action inspire others to dreammore , learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.

  The core difference between serving and pleasingis that pleasing others reduces the self. Pleaser give away pieces of their soul until it is almost gone. They don’t have a strong sense of where they end and others begin; they don’t know where to draw the bright line of NO, or feel like they have, while service expand the self. It is done in harmony with your identity, it develops and strenthing your sense of who you are. Servers nurture strong, heathy boundaries that enables act of compassion, they can open up to the pain and darkness of others without being overwhelmed by it. They take total control of the situation, they are not licked up by the fog of others but they master to control the ship to the shore amidst of the whirlwind.

  Service comes with sense of enough it shows that enough it shows that you have enough to discharge to others, and finally the act of serving is the act of a leader because LEADERSHIP DEALS WITH SERVING


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