Its a popular parole that readers are leaders, our life is just like computer term (GIGO) which means Garbage in Garbage out, what shape the person we are is the, movie we watch, the songs we listen to and the books we read.

Books Inspire us, motivates us, encourage us and always make us see the right path, it makes us understand that nothing is impossible in this world, It allows us to take action and help us to know our true potential, Books illuminates our life, Books show us our passion and make us understand that all Limits are self-imposed, Limits are usually in our mind, Books have the potential to upgrade our conviction to match our destiny.

Few more Importance of books: 

1)  .  Books Improve vocabulary, the more you read the book, the faster your vocabulary will expand.

2) .   Books Improve Emotional Development, it makes us more empathetic, helps us to keep emotional balance, doesn’t allow emotions to influence our growth.

3)     Reading books regularly stimulates imagination, accelerates their emotional development and fosters natural curiosity.

4)    Gives motivation, peace, enthusiasm, and courage to see situations in a positive way

5)    Allows to understand the importance of each time, Books make us understand that we should be happy for what we have while working for what we want.

6)     Gives Knowledge, makes us wise.

  7.  7.  Improves attention span, focus and concentration level.

8)    Books give the solution to almost every problem; it helps in every aspect of our lives, family, friends, communication, professional life, health etc.

9)   Books are a great source to learn from mentors, you can’t learn directly from big mentors like Tony Robbins, Warren buffet, Brian Tracy etc but can learn indirectly by them, through the books which they wrote to help people.

10 Books give wings to our imagination, a person who can imagine things will definitely have the power to create them.





1.    The alchemist. By Paulo Coelho
The constant theme in The Alchemist is to pursue your dreams by following what your heart desires. During the young boy's journey, he learns to listen to the heart and to follow the language of omens. With each passing obstacle and hurdle that the young boy encounters, there is a lesson to learn. 

2.    The 5 am club: by Robin Sharma
Legendary leadership and elite performance expert Robin Sharma introduced The 5am Club concept over twenty years ago, based on a revolutionary morning routine that has helped his clients maximize their productivity, activate their best health and bulletproof their serenity in this age of overwhelming complexity.

3.    Your best life now. by Joel Osteen
           In seven parts, he details how readers should enlarge their vision, develop self-esteem, discover the power of thought, let go of the past, find strength through adversity, give back to others and choose to be happy.

4.    The mystical time of ours. Ralph Waldo Trine
           There is a divine sequence running throughout the universe. Within and above and below the human will incessantly works the Divine will.

       5.    Its your time. Joel Osteen
           Maybe your dreams have been dormant and covered. But now it's Springtime! Spring symbolizes a fresh start. It's a time for new growth and multiplication!

6.    Tools of the titan. by Tim Ferris


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    Packed by Tessa Stuart
    The Winning Mix by Claire Brumby
    Self made Brian Miller Cole and Bryin Cole


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